Photography Break


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Photography Break: Searching for Snapshots

It is in slowing down that we can appreciate the beauty of our surroundings and how much it influences us in a fast paced environment. But whether you are a full-time pro-photographer, or just the casual snap-happy type of fool — here's one skill that benefits from taking regular breather breaks— your photography.

Why Take a Photography Break?

Refresh Your Perspective
We can get so lost in the grind of our everyday life that we often forget to stop and appreciate all the little wonders around us. By breaking from the action, you stop quickly and get a new perspective on things. You might find beautiful scenery, interesting street scenes or little comic moments that pass mostly unnoticed.

Enhance Your Skills

Photography can also be a good way to practise your photo composition or simply experiment with different styles of photos without the pressure of going out, so schedule in some time for that as well. Take this opportunity to experiment with different types of photography styles; portraits, landscapes, city shots etc. It is another way of adding to your arsenal and a new pair of glasses directly on top of the ones that you wear while producing something.

The Dos and the Don'ts for a Great Photography Break


  • Choose Your Location Wisely

No matter whether it's a neighborhood park, the middle of a city block or far out in nature choose somewhere that makes you feel something! Scout out locations in advance to save you time.

  • Set a Theme

A theme will help guide your shooting process. Textured colors or particular items. It will help you to remain interested in your subject and create images that have harmony with each other.

  • Experiment with Composition

Experiment with unusual viewpoints and framing. Get down low for a different perspective or shoot through reflections on windows and water. The aim is to get creative!

  • Limit Your Gear

Practice choosing a single lens or camera over that bulky bag full of rattling gear. Placing restrictions on your gear can also stimulate you to creatively consider how you are using what is available.

  • Take Your Time

Don’t rush the process! Absorb your environment and all of its beauty Often your best shots are going to happen when you least expect it, when you feel calm and in the moment.


A photography break is more than just about taking pictures, it's all about reconnecting with the world and find new perspectives. This forms your well of creativity and you walk away with powerful images that show better storytelling. You never know in Mundane I Love You about minimal innovations that can occur when you pick up your camera and take a step outside to begin exploring & expressing. Happy shooting!

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